London and Ladd are those types of people you meet and you instantly connect with. They have such a warmness and friendliness about them. They were living in Hawaii, going to university and truly just living their dream life as a young married couple. They are head over heels in love, which made taking their photos so easy. You don’t need to be getting married, or celebrating a special occasion to only have reason to get your photos taken. Whether you’re on vacation, or just wanting more memories documented, everyday is special, and there is never a bad time to get cute new pictures of you and your person. That’s exactly how this couples session was. The vision was chilled, laid back, and maybe let’s take a little dip into the ocean. Basically treating it like a casual beach date night.
We found the perfect location to capture these photos. I mean pretty much everywhere in Hawaii is picture perfect – so you can’t go wrong there. There have been some recent updates and permits required when shooting on the beaches, so always make sure to check and get the proper permission when shooting in these locations. You can find the list here. The beachfront was surrounded by a dense lush jungle. They trekked and danced barefoot through the brush and shared kisses as they kept each other close. We made our way along and finally reached the sand, where the water touched their feet as they walked on by. They sat and watched the sunset below the swaying palm trees, before deciding to run into the ocean for an evening dip. They hugged and laughed and splashed each other until sundown. It felt like I was documenting a real life romance movie. A pretty romantic date night if you ask me.

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